Outgoing Call to HK
Local Outgoing Call
Outgoing Call to
Other Destinations
Mainland China $0.9 $8 $8 $25
To Macau / Taiwan
Macau $1 $1 $0.6 $25
To Mainland China $0.90
To Taiwan
Taiwan $2 $5 $1 $19
To Mainland China / Macau
Japan $12.8 $12.8 $12.8 $25
South Korea $23.8 $23.8 $23.8 $25
Area 1 $9 $9 $8.8 $19
Area 2 $13 $13 $12.8 $19
Area 3 $24.8 $24.8 $24.8 $25
  1. Area 1 countries: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand
  2. Area 2 countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland & Netherlands
  3. Area 3 countries: Rest of the world. Click here for the General Prepaid Travel Coverage & Tariff

Terms & Conditions:
  1. The charges are subject to change from time to time.
  2. Applicable travel destinations may change from time to time depending on various factors such as the coverage of our network partners and the specification and compatibility of their networks.
  3. All charges are in Hong Kong dollars on a per minute basis.
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