Common Form
Change Mobile Number Procedure
  1. Bring along your registered owner* HKID card to any 3Shop
  2. Select new number with $300 handling fee
  3. The earliest effective of the new number will be effective will be on the following day.

*An authorized person, please bring along
  • the own HKID card
  • authorization letter issued by account registered with owner's HKID card & signature
Transfer Of Ownership Procedure
Customers can visit 3Shop, or download the form before visit 3Shop:
  1. The new owner please visit 3Shop in person and bring along with
    • An authorization letter with the Original mobile account registered owner's HKID card / BR copy, and
    • A proof of residential address (latest 3 months)
  2. The new owner need to pay
    • The account outstanding balance
    • The $300 Transfer of Ownership fee
    • The one month advance service fee
    • The value-added services (if applicable)
    • The $1500 deposit (Applicable for non-HK residents only)

Important Note:
  • Change of mobile account ownership is not available during the contract effective period
  • The payment method set up by the previous owner will be stopped upon the transfer of ownership is done. The New owner hence has to apply the autopay (if any) separately.
  • 3Self-Service Password will be reset after the transfer of ownership.
Download Form
Mobile Disconnection Request
Customers can visit 3Shop, or download the form before visit 3Shop:

  1. Bring your HKID card (if you are not the owner, please bring the copy of the owner HKID card and authorization letter)
  2. Fill the "Disconnection Form"
  3. Visit 3Shop / Fax to 31548423 / Mail to "PO Box 999 General Post Office Hong Kong"

Corporate Customer
  1. Bring Business Registration copy, HKID card and authorization letter with company's chop
  2. Fill the "Disconnection Form"
  3. Visit 3Shop / Fax to 3154 8423 / Mail to "PO Box 999 General Post Office Hong Kong"
Download Form
Requisition for Sales and Service Agreement Copy
To apply the documents, please download below application form and submit by mail or fax to our Data Protection Officer.

  1. Handling fee of $150 will be charged for each document requested
  2. Document will be sent to the billing address by registered mail. Please click here or contact 3Service Hotline 1033 for change of your billing address if necessary
Download Form