Roaming Service
IDD Service
Mainland China Service
Satellite Service
Inbound Roamer Services
As the first local telecom operator to connect with all major mobile networks in mainland China, 3 Hong Kong is proud to offer our "All-Net-Coverage Roaming*" service, which now extends to popular travel destinations that are top favourites for Hong Kong people. These destinations include Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Australia.

You can instantly connect to all mobile networks while travelling, ensuring a seamless experience for dining, shopping, sightseeing, or in-depth exploration. Bid farewell to the inconvenience of local SIM cards and stay connected throughout your journey.

Click here to find the Data Roaming Plan that best suits your needs.
Mainland China & Macau Travellers
Mainland China & Macau 3-Day Pass
Top pick for flash trips to mainland China
Infinite data and voice calls^
$138/ 3 DAYS
Mainland China & Macau Travel Data Pass Package
A must-have for mainland frequent travellers
to mainland China
Infinite data and voice calls^
From $98/month
Mainland China Number Service
Convenient cross border travel and connect living cycle^

Leisure Travellers
Roam-in-Command (10GB)
The carefree choice
$188/30 DAYS
Chill and bargain choice
7-DAY Pass From$98
Data Roaming Daily Pass
Infinite data for heavy usage needs
RoamLite Pass
Data for light usage
Frequent Travellers
Upgraded GETAWAY Travel Service
Enjoy up to 80 travel data passes for
flexible use over 2 years
From $59/month
Greater China Monthly Plan
Data shared in mainland China, HK, Macau & Taiwan with one monthly plan
Free "Social App" data at 4 destinations
$188/month up
4.5G SIM HK-UK Sharing Monthly Plan
Data and voice minutes shared in
Hong Kong and United Kingdom
With UK local mobile service for free
$148/month up
Full Roaming and IDD service will be automatically activated or restored (applicable to those subscribers who had previously opted out of such function) upon subscription of the above services. Upon expiry of the above services, the full roaming and IDD function and day passes (where applicable) will remain active until customer unsubscribes or deactivates such services. To opt out of the aforesaid services, please contact 3iChat.
When customers without a data roaming plan subscription use travel data, they will be charged according to Data Roaming Daily Charge Cap Service. This service incurs a daily charge regardless of the amount of data consumed during travel. Please click here for service details. Please click here for coverage details.
*The data was retrieved from the official websites of local mobile operators as of 10 October 2023. China Broadnet does not provide inbound roaming service. Operators in designated destinations provide 5G/4G roaming service, subject to the factors such as coverage by individual mobile operator, system compatibility, network settings and configurations, the specifications of mobile device and other relevant factors. Only applicable to customers with relevant roaming service.
Roaming Support & Assistant
Roaming User Guide
Roaming Coverage & Tariff
Toll Free Hotline
Conexus Mobile Alliance