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Anti-Scam Service is dedicated to protecting customer's mobile security by identifying and blocking incoming fraudulent calls on the mobile network, minimising the chance of being scammed or disturbed. The service filters the list of scam calls provided by the Hong Kong Police Force and the database of calls will also be updated from time to time, fully protecting your personal privacy and safety.

3-month free trial^
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Block fraudulent calls
Highly secure and never access your personal data and contact list
Support all devices and need not reset in case of handset change
Service Plan Contract Term Features Monthly Fee*
Anti-Scam (3-month free trial^) 24-month Block fraudulent calls $19
Incoming Calls Management Pack
(Free for customers aged 60 or above#)

  • Block fraudulent calls

Call Block
Service details
  • Black List
  • Authorized List
  • Block Unknown Calls
  • CallBlock Alert
  • Call Block Summary
* Anti-Scam: Thereafter charges of $19/month; Incoming Calls Management Pack: Thereafter charges of $28/month
^ Only available to 3HK post-paid customers who subscribe the service for the first-time. Offer and services are subject to terms and condition. Customers can enjoy a free trial and discontinue the service any time during the free trial. After the free trial, the contract will continue for the remaining 21 months by default.
# Customers aged 60 or above can enjoy the Incoming Calls Management Pack for free. See details.
Learn more about anti-fraud information


Q1. What is the "Anti-Scam" service?
Anti-Scam is a call screening service that identifies and blocks incoming fraudulent calls on the mobile network, minimising the chance of being scammed or disturbed. The service filters the list of scam calls provided by the Hong Kong Police Force and the database of calls will also be updated from time to time, fully protecting your personal privacy and safety.
Q2. Do I need to set up anything on my mobile device?
No, you don't need to. The service will filter fraudulent calls on the mobile network, and you don't need to download any applications or make any settings.
Q3. What are the system requirements for the Anti-Scam service?
The Anti-Scam service supports all devices, and you don't need to reset in case of handset change.
Click here to view "Anti Scam Service" terms and conditions
Click here to view "Call Block" terms and conditions
Click here to view "Incoming Calls Management Pack" terms and conditions