New 5G Flagship handset coming soon!
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Terms and conditions
  • You must be aged 18 or over to resgister.
  • Registration for this event indicates that you are interested in "the latest flagship 5G mobile phone information" only. It does not mean that a customer has signed up for the waiting list to purchase a designated 5G handset or product.
  • Regarding the reservation of smartphones, if there are further arrangements, we will contact you via phone, email, SMS or WhatsApp.
  • The personal data of the registrant will only be used for this registration. All personal data will be destroyed within 1 month after 6 months after the registration activity ends.
  • The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this registration event. The company can make the final decision on the relevant terms, conditions and all disputes. Subject to change without notice.
  I have read the terms and conditions and understand that my participation in this event is subject to the said terms and conditions. I consent to the use of personal information provided above for the purposes in relation to this event by Hutchison Telephone Company Limited.
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