Adaptor x 1
USB Type-C Cable x 1
Quick Start Guide x 1
Protective Case x 1
SIM Eject Tool x 1
Country of origin: China
Maximum download / upload speed according to the specification of the relevant mobile device purchased by a customer and will not correspond to the speed experienced by an individual customer. The speed experienced by the customer will be less than the specification of the relevant mobile device and will be affected by the network setting, network specification, user's device, transmission technology, individual network and software used, network configuration and coverage, usage level and extraneous factors.
Actual available memory for end user usage may vary due to pre-configuration.
The battery performance is based on manufacturer's information. Battery talk time and standby time may depend on environmental and network conditions.
All related product information & images are provided by manufacturer(s) / vendor(s). For any enquiry, please contact respective manufacturer(s) / vendor(s) directly. For contact information, please refer to Photos are for reference only. The real object should be considered as final. Stock is limited, subject to availability.