3 Hong Kong
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Great deal to use your Consumption Vouchers. Limited-time 5G offer.  As low as $3,000 to enjoy infinite 5G Broadband service plus upgraded 5G Router
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All inclusive bundle - 5G Broadband

All inclusive bundle - 5G Broadband at $3,000/30 months enjoying infinite 5G Broadband service^ with upgraded 5G Router model worth $3,180#:
Upgrade to 5G Broadband now, Infiniate 5G Broadband service for 3 years, Bundled 5G Router, consumption voucher Upgrade to 5G Broadband now, Infiniate 5G Broadband service for 3 years, Bundled 5G Router, consumption voucher
Upgraded 5G Broadband and 5G SIM Bundle offering infinite 5G Broadband service^ and 5G SIM with monthly 20GB local data at $5,000/24 months worth $5,136 is also available!
30 months contract
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Offer is valid until 30 April 2023.
◆ $3,000 5G Broadband Bundle is only applicable to the designated Public Housing Estates and Home Ownership Scheme households and selected existing 3 Hong Kong post-paid customers.
^ Once the mobile data usage reaches the 300GB data entitlement of your monthly service plan, data service will continue subject to the maximum download speed of 5G network but less network resources will be allocated according to network condition which may affect your data service experience until the cutoff date of the relevant bill cycle.
# The amount of service is calculated by 5G Broadband plan of monthly fee $88 with admin fee and the monthly rental fee for 5G Router (30 months contract). The rented 5G Router under this plan is refurbished unit and supplies are limited. Photos are for reference only and the router model provided is subject to the availability.
◊ The total service value is calculated by 5G Broadband plan of monthly fee $88 with admin fee, the monthly rental fee for 5G Router and special $108 5G SIM offer for select customers (24 months contract). The rented 5G Router under this plan is refurbished unit and supplies are limited. Photos are for reference only and the router model provided is subject to the availability.
Click here to view the Terms and Conditions.

To register, simply fill in the following information.
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All inclusive bundle – 5G Broadband
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Terms and Conditions:
  • The above SIM monthly plans are subject to related terms and conditions. Please contact our 3Shop staff or call 3Service Hotline 1033 for more details.
  • You must be aged 18 or over to enroll in this program.
  • You will be contacted via SMS, WhatsApp, Email or by phone in 3 working days upon successful online registration.
  • Hutchison Telephone Company Limited ("Our Company") will check against the account payment record, credit and contract term status of the registrant (including both the existing and former customers of Our Company) to determine the purchase arrangements with the registrant, which include the followings:
    • Our Company will request registrant to settle all overdue balance in his/her account(s) before proceeding with the subscription.
    • Our Company may decline the subscription request of the registrant based on his/her credit history and other account record with Our Company.
  • Registrant's personal information will be used for purpose of this registration only. All personal data provided for this registration will be discarded within 1 month after 6 months of the program
  • Our Company reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this registration program without prior notice. All matters and disputes in relation to the registration will be subject to the final decision of Our Company.
  • 5G network experience may be affected due to various factors including but not limited to network setting/specification or coverage, the features or functionality of individual mobile device, transmission technology, network traffic and usage, speed of websites servers, service stability of other content providers, weather and other circumstantial factors (e.g. blockades such as buildings, mountains, tunnels) which may lead to radio interference. Subject to 5G Service Terms and Conditions of 3HK.
 I have read the terms and conditions and understand that my participation in this event is subject to the said terms and conditions. I consent to the use of personal information provided above for the purposes in relation to this event by Hutchison Telephone Company Limited.
Please tick the checkbox to confirm your agreement with the Terms and Conditions