Roaming Service
IDD Service
Mainland China Service
Satellite Service
Inbound Roamer Services
Mainland China
Number Service
Upgraded mainland China &
HK 1-Card-2-Number
  • Open Mainland China bank account and e-payment app*
  • Registration of entertainment, catering, taxi app etc at ease*
  • Use Mainland China mobile number to send SMS in Hong Kong
  • Convenient cross border travel and connect living cycle
Monthly Fee
Activate Now
Activate Now
Monthly Fee $19
Location Hong Kong Mainland China
Receiving SMS Unlimited
Sending SMS* (Per SMS) International SMS charge# International SMS charge# + Standard roaming rate
Receiving voice call (per minute) Deducts from local monthly plan entitlement Standard roaming rate
#Please click here for International SMS charging details.

*Whether this Mainland China Number is applicable for services in China (e.g. open bank account, register mobile apps), please contact the respective service providers for more details.

How do I activate service?
Simply click "Activate Now" button here or via My3 App. Choose Mainland China mobile number, upload document for Real Name Registration and activate service, all done online in just 3 minutes.

What does the service charge include?
$19 per month includes one Mainland China mobile number, get unlimited receiving SMS in Mainland China or Hong Kong.
There are similar Mainland China-HK 1-Card-2 Number services in the market, how is 3HK "Mainland China Number Service" different from them?
  • Some traditional Mainland China-HK 1-Card-2 Number services cannot receive SMS in Hong Kong via their Mainland China mobile number, but Mainland China Number Service can.
  • Mainland China Number Service will be added into your existing 3HK SIM, therefore you do not need to get an extra SIM or change SIM in order to use it.
What are the advantages of having Mainland China Number Service?
  • Use Mainland China mobile number to send and receive SMS in Hong Kong, open Mainland bank account, register mobile payment, taxi, shopping, catering app while still in HK, and enjoy the convenience once arrived in Mainland China.
What to do if I would like to know more about the service?
You may contact us via iChat.
In response to the latest epidemic prevention measures in Mainland China, “Telecommunication Data Based Travel Itinerary Card” has been terminated with effect from 13 December 2022. 3HK will no longer provide “Telecommunication Data Based Travel Itinerary Card Authorization Service”, while “Mainland China Number Service” or “1-Card-2-Number” service would not be affected.

Click here to view terms and conditions.
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